What I Do
Web Design
I offer extensive web design services, From concept to completion, I can tackle any project. All of my websites are built to cutting edge web standards as well as ensuring compatibility back to IE8. I thoroughly test every single product I develop prior to launch. HTML5, responsive/mobile design, and content management systems come standard on all websites I develop.

Video Production
When it comes to shooting a video, people can get frustrated with all the details involved. I make it simple by handling everything you don't want to. From preproduction to post production I strive to portray the vision you had from the get go instead of solving problems after the shoot is over.

Mobile Apps
I love developing mobile applications. All of the applications I develop are compatible with both Android and Apple iPhone opperating systems. As a developer I work with you to ensure the best user experience prior to submitting and application to its respective app stores.

Graphic Design
Graphic design is one of my strongest suits. I have been a professional graphic designer for several years and pride myself on attention to detail. I work hard to find the right tone and content for whatever subject you or your clients need.

Motion Graphics
I have a strong background in motion graphics. I can develop animations in both 2D and 3D environments. I utilize a variety of programs to accomplish the desired animation including: After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightwave 3D and Premiere pro. I can work within the constraints of web content delivery like youtube or making sure a video/animation is ready for broadcats by adhering to contemporary standards.

SEO & Marketing
SEO is one of the most important aspects for any web based product/service to takle. I not only sure you can show up well on search engines but ensuring that your brand is reflected through the metadata portrayed in search results and digital advertising.